Choreographed circus - Florence Caillon
Cirque chorégraphié - Florence Caillon
L’EOLIENNE est une compagnie conventionnée par le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
DRAC Normandie, le Conseil régional de Normandie et la Ville de Rouen.
Les projets sont régulièrement soutenus par le CG 76 - Seine Maritime et l’ODIA Normandie.
CHOREOGRAPHED CIRCUS (50 mn) - Created in 1999
The plot
A crime ... several crimes ... suspicious characters and a suspicious audience. High flights, fights, escapes, stunts, traces of blood, suspense and poetry. This trip to the heart of crime novels, punctuated by soundtracks of movies from the film noir genre, traces the life of a character on the run.
The theme
Around the theme of the thriller and crime genre, L'Eolienne combines a theatrical and choreographed staging with circus techniques. Today, the thriller genre has opened its doors to universes of all kinds.
We have chosen to approach this theme by emphasizing some of its aspects (psychology of the characters, situations, suspense, cruelty, absurdity ...) by mixing humor and poetry.