Choreographed circus - Florence Caillon
Cirque chorégraphié - Florence Caillon
L’EOLIENNE est une compagnie conventionnée par le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
DRAC Normandie, le Conseil régional de Normandie et la Ville de Rouen.
Les projets sont régulièrement soutenus par le CG 76 - Seine Maritime et l’ODIA Normandie.
Souffle features a dancer-acrobat, who vibrates to the rhythm of a score composed of breaths and cellos.
Souffle is a hymn to the breathing body, to life.
From this intense circus dance, both fluid and combative, springs a communicative energy.
The mystery of breathing is that it occurs in us without us deciding it; in a movement independent of our will: "it" breathes in us. We are rhythms of air and flesh. This intimate breathing movement which distributes energy in the body, brings us closer to the outer worlds. Here he is confronted with the rhythm of an external breath.
This show was adapted in 2017 in an exterior circular version. This new version was presented for the first time at the Viva Cité festival in Sotteville-lès-Rouen. It can be presented as the first part of Lance-moi en l'air and / or accompanied by other forms from the Echappées collection.
©Philippe Cibille
©Thomas Bohl
©Philippe Cibille
©Thomas Bohl
©Flea's picture
©Flea's picture